If you are looking for a store or distributor outside of the United States contact one of our distributors below.

ch-lgflag China
Company name: Techlas Pet LLC
Address: No. 338, District B, 5 Guangyuanzha, Haidian, Beijing, China 100081
Tel:  (00-86)- 158 0168 6168
Website: https://shop69024435.taobao.com
Email: minipetsupplydepot@163.com
WeChat: TechlasAda

Company name: Pet Resources Company
Address: 26/F  Times Tower, 391-407 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel:  (852) 3711 9888
Email: pet.resources.hk@gmail.com


hk-lgflag Hong Kong
Company name: Pet Resources Company
Address: 26/F  Times Tower, 391-407 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel:  (852) 3711 9888
Email:  pet.resources.hk@gmail.com


ja-lgflag Japan
Company name: Suzzy Japan Co.,Ltd – Chinchilla Japan 
Address: 9-10, Denenchofu-honcho, Oota-ku, Tokyo, Japan zip:1450072
Ph +81-33722-7100
Fax +81-33722-7103
Email: chinchillajapan@gmail.com


Flag of Singapore Singapore
Company name: Pets Hub Marketing
Contact Person: Ryan (Sales Manager)
Address: 9008 Tampines St 93, Singapore 528843
Ph +65 8668 0799
Website: www.petshubmarketing.com


Company name: Chinchillas Home TW
Website: Instagram – Chinchillas_Home_TW
Email: chinchillashome.tw@gmail.com


Flag of Malaysia  Malaysia
Company name: Animal Supplies Pte Ltd
Contact Person: Nelson Chua
Address: 151 Chin Swee Road #07-12 Manhattan House, Singapore (169876)
Ph +65 83638333
Email: nel.sh.chua@gmail.com


Flag of Indonesia Indonesia
Company name: Animal Supplies Pte Ltd
Contact Person: Nelson Chua
Address: 151 Chin Swee Road #07-12 Manhattan House, Singapore (169876)
Ph +65 83638333
Email: nel.sh.chua@gmail.com


Flag of Thailand Thailand
Company name: Animal Supplies Pte Ltd
Contact Person: Nelson Chua
Address: 151 Chin Swee Road #07-12 Manhattan House, Singapore (169876)
Ph +65 83638333
Email: nel.sh.chua@gmail.com


Distributor inquiries are invited. If you are interested in becoming an international distributor contact our International Sales Team.

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